Pearl Export Standard 22 - 5 kessel - metallic amethyst twist

1129.00 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

Introduced in 1984, Pearl's Export Series drum kits set a standard in drums and percussion that started a revolution.

Offering young players a drum kit of unbeatable quality at an affordable price lead an entire generation of drummers to learn their craft on Export.

Pearl carries this tradition forward with our best Export ever - fully loaded with all the features to advance your playing voice to new heights.

Primed and ready to inspire your best performance, Export's custom themed elements include premium blended shell woods, an instantly shareable presence, and hardware that will stand up to your heaviest hit.

Never settle. Play Export.

- Shell : 6-ply (7.5mm) Poplar/Asian Mahogany
- Snare : 14"x5.5" (EXX1455S/C)
- Lugs : NEL-100/C
- Hoops : 1.6mm Triple-Flanged
- Tom mounts : Opti-Loc Mounting System
- Heads : Remo UT Clear (Tom Batter/Resonant)
- Remo UT Powerstroke3 (Bass Drum)
- Iincluded accessories : Bass Drum Muffler (Mini)
- Hardware Package : HWP-834
- Cymbal pack : SABIAN SBR (SBR5003)
- Euroguitar Referenz : 112917
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