Audio technica AT-HS6 SilVer

29.05 €

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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

the At-hs6sv is an aluminium cell door from Audio-Technica.

Cast aluminium cell holder, mass 9g

Cast aluminium
Integrated arm lift finger
Included four-wire connection terminals
1 pair of 10mm screws and 1 pair of 8mm screws
1 pair of nuts M2,6 with plastic washer
Available in black and silver

Cast aluminium cell holder, mass 9g

Cast aluminium
Integrated arm lift finger
Included four-wire connection terminals
1 pair of 10mm screws and 1 pair of 8mm screws
1 pair of nuts M2,6 with plastic washer
Available in black and silver
Euroguitar Referenz : 86120
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