Dr Pure Blues Quantum Nickel 45-125 - 5-saiten-set

53.00 €
Ihr Geschäft

36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

DR PURE BLUES bass strings combine the warm tone of pure nickel with the brightness and edge of stainless steel for a rich and tonally balanced string that is perfect for players who demand versatility.
Whether you play fingerstyle, with a pick, or slap, your bass will come alive with a full bottom, colorful mids, and bright articulate highs.

- Pure Blues
- Medium
- 45 - 65 - 85 - 105 - 125
- Euroguitar Referenz : 109802
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