D'addario ECB82 Electric Bass 4-String Set Chromes Flat Wound Long Scale 50-105 - satz mit 4 saiten

71.50 €
45.00 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

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Über das Produkt

D'ADDARIO ECB82 4-String Set Chromes Flat Wound Electric Bass Long Scale Medium 50-105. XL Chromes are among the warmest, mellowest bass strings we have to offer. These flat wound strings provide an ultra-smooth feel and a dark, yet warm tone, while allowing movement across the fretboard with no finger noise. Made with a high carbon steel core, Chromes stainless steel flattened ribbon wrap wire is expertly wound onto a series of interlocking under-windings, then precisely polished for unparalleled smoothness and a tonal presence which blends beautifully into the mix.

.050, .070, .085, .105

- D'ADDARIO ECB82 4-String Set Chromes Flat Wound Electric Bass Long Scale Medium 50-105
- SKU D'Addario ECB82
- 4x strings set for electric bass
- Made in USA
- Hexagonal high carbon steel core, wound with flattened / polished stainless steel ribbon wire
- .050, .070, .085, .105
- Euroguitar Referenz : 16163
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