Hohner 2005/20 C Harmo Marine Band Deluxe

64.00 €
54.00 €
Ihr Geschäft

36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

The 2005/20 C Harmo Marine Band Deluxe is a harmonica offered by the Hohner brand.

Offers superior playing comfort and simplified maintenance.

The optimized design allows for better sound volume and increased reed stability. The plates and covers are fixed with three and four screws respectively to improve sealing and facilitate maintenance. The new design of the reeds ensures greater longevity. The pear wood base, with its triple lacquering, significantly reduces swelling and offers improved sound volume. The opening of the channels and the rounded corners of the plates provide better playing comfort and a more precise attack.

Holes: 10

Blades: 20

Body: B

Keys: All major keys

Dim. (cm): 10
Euroguitar Referenz : 4579
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