Mooer Micro Drummer II

125.00 €
94.00 €

Lieferbar - 3-5 Tage Versand Euroguitar Lille : Letzes Exemplar verfügbar

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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

The Micro Drummer II offers 48 grooves across 6 different music types with 8 different rhythm types for each, allowing users to create and experiment with a variety of beats and styles. Extra functionality is included to keep grooves and beats interesting. Users can add variation and complexity to their drum patterns on the fly with the FILL function, while the TAP TEMPO function allows for easy speed setting.
In addition to its extensive rhythm library, the Micro Drummer II includes two different EQ presets to adapt to different playing situations. Whether recording in a studio or playing live on stage, users can customize their drum sound to suit their needs.

- 6 different music types
- 8 different rhythm types for each
- 48 grooves in total.
- FILL function for adding variation during play
- TAP TEMPO function for speed setting
- Two different EQ presets for different situations
- Euroguitar Referenz : 108275
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