Musicnomad MN270 - Acousti-lok

24.30 €
Ihr Geschäft

36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

The Music Nomad Acousti-Lok is an innovative strap lock.

For an ultra-reliable and flexible acoustic guitar that installs without altering the construction! Designed for use with SCHALLER strap locks (not included), our Acousti-Lok is made of super-strong copper and offers the security you expect from this type of accessory. Several models are available, so be sure to find the right Acousti-Lok for your jack. The Acousti-Lok is not suitable for flush mount or recessed jacks.
Note: Fits all standard 3/8 inch x 32 jacks Compatible with most MARTIN guitars with FISHMAN electronics, TAYLOR guitars before 2002, SWITCHCRAFT, K&K SOUND Pure Mini and Pure Classic. The above mentioned brands belong to their respective owners.

L'Acousti-Lok de Music Nomad
Euroguitar Referenz : 97407
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