Power acoustics Flight case ABS IP65

55.00 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
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Über das Produkt

The IP65 CASE 10 is a flight case offered by Power Acoustics.

It's an ultra-durable ABS flight case certified to IP65 standards, providing protection for all types of devices.

Ultra-resistant ABS material

Standard: IP65, waterproof, airtight, or dustproof

Rubber seal

Pressure balancing valve

Honeycomb foam on the upper part

Perforated foam cubes on the lower part

Usable with temperatures ranging from -25°C to +75°C

Foam dimensions (L x W x H): 332 x 200 x 40 mm

Internal dimensions (L x W x H): 330 x 200 x (38 + 59)mm

External dimensions (L x W x H): 342 x 233 x 115 mm

Weight: 0.82 kg
Euroguitar Referenz : 85197
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