Schaller S-Locks Pair - Gold

46.55 €

Lieferbar - 3-5 Tage Versand Euroguitar Lille : Lieferbar

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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

In 1981, Schaller developed and got the patent for a totally new category of product, which revolutionized the connection between guitar and strap.
With its unique design and functionality, Schaller has been setting the standard in strap locks for decades.
These SCHALLER S-Locks (Gold) are silent. They feature one-piece hardened steel strap buttons, aesthetic design, perfect handling, an elegant Lock-Wheel and all former hiccups have been tackled.

- SKU SC570.254
- Strap locks
- Solid one-piece strap button in hardened steel with self-tapping wood thread
- 4 mm/ 5/32" screw with self-tapping wood thread
- Fits all existing strap buttons for perfect replacement without adjustments on existing holes and screws (XL and S version also available as replacement kit)
- Hardened steel and more than double thickness of the strap button guarantees maximum security against breakage
- Including high-grade felt washers for ultimate protection of guitar's finish
- Simply screw it on with an Allen key (size 3 mm/ 1/8"), not included
- Previous Schaller Security Locks compatible
- Euroguitar Referenz : 8656
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