Musicnomad Nomad Tool et Nomad Slim

18.05 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

Telefon : 03 20 88 85 85


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Über das Produkt

The Nomad Tool Set is a pack of tools designed for cleaning guitar strings and hardware.

The large flat section allows you to get over and under the strings and also to clean the frets. Done frequently, this cleaning will extend the life of the strings and prevent fret oxidation.
The other end is a natural fibre brush. This brush is used to remove dust from guitar hardware and other hard-to-reach areas.
Wherever it hides, the dust goes!

Nomad Tool et Nomad Slim.
Euroguitar Referenz : 103529
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