Fulltone Standard Octafuzz OF-2

229.00 €
203.00 €

Lieferbar - 3-5 Tage Versand Euroguitar Lille : Letzes Exemplar verfügbar

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36 rue Littré, Lille
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Über das Produkt

The OctaFuzz 2 is a pedal offered by the Fulltone brand.

Designed with exactly the same circuit as the legendary Tycobrahe Octavia, it brings a magnificent upper octave like Hendrix or SRV. It almost reaches synth tones with its ring modulation and steel drum tendencies that will make your head spin.

- FULLTONE Octafuzz OF-2
- Fuzz/Octave type saturation effect pedal (reproduction of the Tycobrahe Octavia)
- Standard Line
- Handmade in the USA
- "Fuzz" / "Octafuzz" switch
- On/Off True Bypass switch
- Consumption 8mA
- Works with a 9V battery or optional 9V power supply
- 60 x 115 x 55 mm
- Approximately 480 g
- English manual
- Euroguitar Referenz : 15439
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