Victory amplification VC35 The Copper Head

1349.00 €
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36 rue Littré, Lille
von Montag bis Samstag
10h-12h30 & 14h-19h

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Über das Produkt

The VICTORY VC35 The Copper Head tube amp for electric guitar is all about the chime. And the rock. And the rock’n’roll. And the roots and the blues and the pop... and anything else you want to coax from a quartet of EL84 output valves in the British tradition

The sonic blueprint was set in late-1950s England, then modified, evolved and refined through to the hand-made, boutique valve amps of the 21st century. Yet this is far more than a re-imagined AC-alike. In classic Victory Compact Series style, we’ve packed all those tones and more into a pint-sized powerhouse that can deliver anything from traditional chiming trebles, through jangling pop, punching mid-rich rock, higher-gained classic rock and plenty of American boutique-style cleans and low-gain textures to boot. It’s the EL84 amp that will keep the purists happy and attract a load of new friends along the way.

- VICTORY VC35 The Copper Head
- All tub amplifier for electric guitar (2x 12AX7, 1x EF184, 4x EL84)
- Compact Series
- Hand made in UK
- 2019
- Single-channel all-valve head (2x 12AX7, 1x EF184, 4 x EL84)
- High Power 35 Watts, low Power 12 Watts
- Controls : see pictures
- Bass Cut switch
- Mid Boost switch
- Footswitchable digital reverb somewhere between room and plate
- Footswitchable series effects loop
- External bias test and adjustment points for power valves
- Skeletonised metal case with rubber handle
- Dual-button footswitch for reverb on/off and FX loop on/off included
- Padded carry bag included
- 342 x 185 x 185
- 8.2kg / 18.1lbs
- Euroguitar Referenz : 92573
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